Bellamar d.o.o. P.E. Ljubljana, Jarška cesta 10a +386 31 360 200 +386 70 426 700

Lighthouse lanterna velika (5725AL)

The Lighthouse lantern is the perfect companion to any garden or terrace setting. Add the lantern, with its functional and understated aluminium and glass design, to your outdoor furniture setting and enjoy and extend the evenings with a warm and soft atmosphere. The Lighthouse lantern enables you to enjoy a candle atmosphere while you watch the sunset or just lighting up a nice and cosy summer evening on the terrace.

Dolžina x Širina x Višina
33cm x 33cm x 54cm

Več izdelkov iz kategorije

Pošljite sporočilo


Sedež podjetja:
Bellamar d.o.o.
Zgornje roje 21
3311 Šempeter
SI56 1010 0005 3459 217

Razstavni salon:
P.E. Ljubljana
Jarška cesta 10a
1000 Ljubljana

Delovni čas:
09:00 - 16:00
(sob, ned, prazniki zaprto)

Možen obisk salona izven delovnega časa po predhodnem dogovoru.


© Bellamar d.o.o., 2025
Izdelava: MMstudio