Bellamar d.o.o. P.E. Ljubljana, Jarška cesta 10a +386 31 360 200 +386 70 426 700

Grow okrasno korito (5771)

Grow is a range of functional and modern plant boxes designed to complement your outdoor space. Grow comes in a variety of sizes and colors which match any décor, designed by the Cane-line Design. With Grow you get a weatherproof plant box, made for life outside in durable and hard-wearing powder-coated aluminum. The beautiful minimalistic design creates many uses for Grow, everything from plantbox to storage.

Dolžina x Širina x Višina
38cm x 38cm x 38cm

Več izdelkov iz kategorije

Pošljite sporočilo


Sedež podjetja:
Bellamar d.o.o.
Zgornje roje 21
3311 Šempeter
SI56 1010 0005 3459 217

Razstavni salon:
P.E. Ljubljana
Jarška cesta 10a
1000 Ljubljana

Delovni čas:
09:00 - 16:00
(sob, ned, prazniki zaprto)

Možen obisk salona izven delovnega časa po predhodnem dogovoru.


© Bellamar d.o.o., 2025
Izdelava: MMstudio